• Signal Type Specimen
  • Signal Type Specimen
  • Signal Type Specimen

Signal Type Specimen

Regular price $11.50

Production Type's Signal font leans on a significant part of the French typographic landscape: Caractères, the typeface found on road signs throughout France. Although the genesis of these standardized alphabets (originally instated by the Ministry of Transport) remains obscure, they’ve officially dominated the French road network since 1946, and embody its typographic identity.

Previously, Caractères had existed only in its standardized form: four incomplete styles named L1, L2, L4 (an italic variant with both upper- and lowercase characters), and L5. The bootleg digital versions available were similarly incomplete and poorly executed.

Production Type’s Signal series completes and extends this pre-existing set of styles and is specifically developed with urban signage, interfaces, and exhibition design in mind. Signal has a bespoke appearance and a distinctive typographic color (see especially the unconventional spacing of the italic cuts). 

Designed by Building Paris, France

Published by Production Type

Double-sided broadsheet, 2-color print, approx. 33 × 36 inches

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