• Self Publish, Be Happy: A DIY Photobook Manual and Manifesto

Self Publish, Be Happy: A DIY Photobook Manual and Manifesto

Regular price $29.95 USD

By Bruno Ceschel, founder of Self Publish, Be Happy

 An economic and cultural revolution has shaken the photobook world in the last five years: self-publishing. An army of photographers operating as publishers has had an instrumental role in today’s photobook renaissance.

This book offers a do-it-yourself manual and a survey of key examples of self-published success stories, as well as a self-publishing manifesto and list of resources.

The manual portion of this volume offers insight, advice, and rudimentary how-tos for the photographer interested in self-publishing, while the survey offers an overview of the contemporary self-publishing landscape.  Each case study illustrates a particular theme and genre of self-publishing (such as diaristic, documentary, or conceptual object), and is accompanied by personal testimonies from the artists who created them. 

Includes an essay, “New Old Media,” by David Senior, Head of Library & Archives, SFMOMA

Designed by Antonio de Luca Studio

Published by Aperture, 2015

Softcover, 512 pages, 280 four-color & 20 duotone images, 8.25 × 10.875 inches

ISBN: 978-1-59711-344-1

Looking makes making better.