2008 International Poster and Graphic Design Festival of Chaumont Catalog
In 2008, the 19th International Poster and Graphic Design Festival of Chaumont (France)—one of the longest running poster festivals in Europe—celebrated 127 posters selected from a pool of over two thousand entries from around the world.
This catalog, produced to accompany the exhibition, includes bilingual texts in French and English as well as full color reproductions of the winning posters. The design of the catalog pays tribute to Josef Müller-Brockmann, along with a text "Hard to Flush left!" by Étienne Hervy and Vincent Perrottet.
Catalogs produced for Chaumont's international poster festival represent a moment in time, documenting visual culture and touching on themes, events, and movements of their time.
Designed by Wijntje van Rooijen and Pierre Péronnet
Published by Pyramyd, 2008
Softcover, 287 pages, b&w and color images, 6.5 × 9.2 inches
ISBN: 978-2-35-071132-6