• Intro: Rosie Day

Intro: Rosie Day

Regular price $5.00 USD

Intro (Volume II, Issue I) 

Rosie Day is a UK born documentary photographer currently living in the state of Oregon in the United States. She first began taking photos as a teenager, documenting punk shows and the subculture surrounding the music scene.

The project featured in this issue of Intro—“Witness Marks”—a series which delves into the mythology of the American West, investigating its proximity to the truth and whether there’s a modern equivalent.

Intro is a celebration of emerging photographic talent. Each issue explores the work of a single student and is published by Mayn Creative, a photography and video agency within Falmouth University.

Words by Harry Wade

Designed by Becky Mukerji, Georgia Sims, and Harrison Dilks

Published by MAYN Creative, 2019

Softcover, 40 pages, full color, 5.45 × 7 inches

Looking makes making better.