The Alphabetical Room Type Specimen
Drawing inspiration from Josef-Müller Brockmann’s 1961 grid concept for architectural spaces, The Alphabetical Room presents Liad Shadmi’s typographic exploration into the boundaries and limits of writing within a strictly calculated mathematical three-dimensional grid.
Throughout the publication, Shadmi systematically investigates these grids, examining the viewer’s changing perspective along with the changing resolution of these hypothetical letterforms.
Accompanying the publication is a brief introductory essay by Liad, shedding light on the enduring fascination of graphic designers, programmers, creative coders, and visual artists with this subject.
The work was created within the type design course “Letter shapes are entirely described by numbers” at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences in 2022
The Alphabetical Room was awarded as TDC Tokyo Prize Nominee in Japan, received a Certificate of Typographic Excellence at the New York Type Directors Club 69 and was featured on It’s Nice That.
Designed by Liad Shadmi
Published by Pantograph, 2022
Unbound, 20 pages, b&w, 11.25 × 14.6 inches
Copies ship with soft fold