The Book Block: Industrial Bookbinding Techniques
By Ruben R. Dias, Rui Oliveira, Fabio Duarte Martins, and Ricardo Philippe Dantas
This industrial bookbinding technique manual presents 17 of the most common industrial binding techniques in 6 categories. Each technique is explained in detail, with full descriptions that highlight their potential in the present day and age.
Conceived from scratch to be bilingual, in Portuguese and English, the book seeks to systematize Portuguese terminology in the printing industry, while providing the same information in the lingua franca of today’s global market: English. In an international context, with customers, employees, and producers sprinkled throughout the world, this book provides the perfect tool for effective communication.
Developed by experienced book designers and bookbinders—Itemzero and Maiadouro—this book is a summary of decades of know-how, now easily available.
Designed by 0. itemzero
Published by 0. itemzero and Gráfica Maiadouro
Third edition, 2023
Bilingual, in English and Portuguese
Softcover, 140 pages, 2-color offset, 100+ images, 4.2 × 10.6 inches
ISBN: 978-9-89-330088-6