• Foi 3
  • Foi 3
  • Foi 3
  • Foi 3
  • Foi 3

Foi 3

Regular price $16.00

FOI magazine is a publication about books and the people behind them and also serves as a catalogue for Romania's national book design competition, featuring all shortlisted and awarded books. The magazine showcases people from the art and publishing community: designers, artists, illustrators, photographers, printmakers, researchers, and many others. This pioneering Romanian/English magazine is devoted to spotlighting book culture with a Central European twist on context and imagery. 

In issue 3, FOI interviews talents from the graphic and editorial design worlds, both in Romania and throughout Europe: Andrei Ogradă talks about the original fonts he creates at his type foundry nestled in the Romanian countryside, and Dutch graphic designer Karel Martens shares his relentless discovery of the world through pixels. Beautiful Romanian poster art takes readers on a 50-year trip through history and culture.

A bonus full color poster, dimensions 20 x 27.5 inches when unfolded, by illustrator Radu Crețu is included.

Designed by Graphomat

Published by Galeria Posibila, 2020
Bilingual, in English and Romanian

Softcover, 104 pages + insert, color and b&w images, 9.5 × 12.6 inches

ISSN: 2602-0432

Looking makes making better.