Collaboration with Ghosts to Draw and Write
In 2019, the Institute of Contemporary Art at Maine College of Art mounted DesignInquiry: Futurespective, a celebration of DesignInquiry, a non-profit educational organization that explores pressing issues in design and culture. The exhibition was staged as a series of installations that demonstrated how DesignInquiry engages in open-ended extra-disciplinary exchange and traced the organization's activities over more than a decade of existence.
On the occasion of the exhibition, DesignInquiry published the first edition of Collaboration with Ghosts to Draw and Write which documents a series of efforts in various locales to commune and make/do with phantom partners.
DesignInquiry's international Collaborative Ghost-Drawing-and-Writing experts, and contributors to this publication, include Anita Cooney, Denise Gonzales Crisp, JeanAnn Guetter, Margo Halverson, Emily Luce, Kate Luce, Gabrielle Esperdy, Arzu Ozkal, Rod Sayers, and Gail Swanlund
Designed by Gail Swanlund
Published by DesignInquiry, 2019
Softcover, [16 pages], b&w and full color, 7 × 11 inches