• Krewe, Fourth Edition

Krewe, Fourth Edition

Regular price $20.00

A Tulane-Sci High Student Journalism Project

Each semester, students in Tulane University Professor Michael Luke's journalism class are paired with student enrolled in Sophie Teitelbaum's 9th grade honors English at the New Orleans Charter Science and Mathematics High School (Sci High). At the end of the term, the essays produced by students in the course are published in a new issue of Krewe. This issue contains 17 essays produced in the fall of 2015.

Students come to know one another, and they all learn about New Orleans as writers—hitting the streets, meeting people and asking questions. Their final pieces bring readers to unfamiliar places and helps them see familiar places with fresh eyes.

The works in this issue focus on New Orleans's culinary traditions, civic and community-centered initiatives, Mardi Gras, recovery narratives following Hurricane Katrina, prisons, barbershops, and much more. The issue becomes a crystallized time capsule of student interests and voices.

Edited by Michael Luke and Sophie Teitelbaum

Designed and illustrated by Tasheka Arceneaux Sutton

Published by the New Orleans Center for the Gulf South at Tulane University, 2015

Softcover, 68 pages, 2-color Risograph, 7 × 10 inches

Looking makes making better.